Welcome to Community Health Book! This is Erin Brockovich and I believe we are in an age of self-reporting. This crowd-sourced hub allows individuals and community groups to stand up and report health and environmental issues by geographic area and by health topic. The data is intended to help connect the dots between clusters of illness and environmental hazards in specific communities and regions.
To get started, simply report an environmental or health concern using the form on this page. Each person who reports helps share a larger story of what’s happening in our country and how toxic pollutants are affecting all of us.
My hope is that this information can support us to get new laws passed or push for stricter enforcement of the laws already in place to protect those who are most vulnerable and in need of help.
The issues in your backyard matter and this tool helps raise our collective voice for change.
Here we summarize the number of issues self-reported by our community during each year we have tracked data.
Here we breakdown self-reported issues by category as specified on every issue reported by our community.
Every self-reported issue includes a postal (zip) code identfying the issue location. Here are the ten zipcodes with the most reported issues. Each zipcode is followed by the number of issues reported for that area.
All submissions reported on this form are public information and displayed on the map.
Report an issue to Erin by completing the adjacent form. Select the “Concern” that best describes the issues you are facing, then provide a brief description.
Erin and her team will review your submission and learn more about your circumstances. Erin may correspond with you to request more information.
Visit Community Healthbook as frequently as needed to report a new issue or to see if others in your community have reported similar concerns.
© 2025 Erin Brockovich, Inc.